
Day 23: When You Can't Take The Credit

Judges 7:1-7

When did I try something and did it myself and when did I try something and God pulled it off? I know there were times when I was leading worship where I did it in my own strength and others where it was God. I was teaching the junior high Sunday school class was Sunday and didn't have a lesson prepared (bad teacher, I know!). I opened the Bible to Romans 8 and started reading, beginning at verse 1. What unfolded was one of the deepest conversations I've ever had about the Christian life and it was with junior highers! It was totally a God moment.



Day 22: An Unqualified Yes

Joshua 24:16-24

I can so relate to Israel in this passage. They're extremely passionate about worship God, saying they'll never forsake Him and worship other gods. But if you look at history (their future), they did not keep the promise. Time and again, they strayed off the path and then came back around. I can honestly say that I've done that before, being really close to God for a while and then let my relationship grow cold. I hate that can say that, too. I think we have to realize that it takes a conscious effort to stay close, we have to work at all the time (just a lot like other things in life). I feel like God has been working on me in several things and for all of it to really stick, I have to work at remaining close to Him. I'm willing to do the work.


Still a slacker!

I obviously didn't get back on the wagon "tomorrow," which would have been March 27th. So now a month later, I resume the Solo.



I have been such a slacker lately! I haven't done my devotions in a
while and I missing them. I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow.



Day 21: God Encounters

On this seventh day, review and reflect on all you have read this week. Take the time to revel in the ways you've encountered God in the past six days.

Day 20: Slow Down and Inquire

Joshua 9:3-9,11,14-16

God of Peace, please show me any attachments that keep me from doing your will. Whether they are people, tasks or organizations, please show me. I want above all things to do you will and to be rid of those things that keep me from it. Amen.



Day 19: Courageous When It Counts

Joshua 1:1-9

Embracing the words of verse 9 is not hard for me. I've seen God guide and protect my family so many times throughout the years that to not trust Him seems silly. Its human nature to get scared over the unknown, but God helps you overcome that. When my wife and I moved to Orlando, I knew God would be with us, guiding us, and would not allow us to fall because it was His will.
I get scared when I think about the future and making sure I can provide for my family. It's not just human nature, it also comes with being a man.

Provider of All Things, You know what I get scared about - providing for my family and the future. I know You that You've heard me and I thank You for that. I know that You will provide in Your perfect time and I thank You for that. Amen.

When you find yourself i situations that expose your fears, remember the promises of God - His presence and his guidance for you into the future.